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Bring on Fall!


Who is ready for some pumpkin spice lattes? Just me?! There is just something about that drink that I truly can’t get enough of each fall. I really do enjoy summer and all the fun stuff that comes with summer like being on the lake, catching baseball games, heading to amusement parks, and many more activities, but I absolutely adore fall. The temperature is so much more bearable to do all of the activities I love doing like golfing and walking the dogs. If that isn’t enough to love a season, fall in Minnesota is the absolute best. Watching the leaves change color is beyond breathtaking, especially in northern Minnesota. I really want to try to get to Duluth this fall to see it all firsthand. What’s on your fall agenda? Anything fun planned?

Last month I promised a more concrete update and I’m FINALLY able to share that I’ve found a new house to live in. I wanted to announce that last month, but I hadn’t signed the paperwork yet and I wasn’t about to jinx anything. If I’ve learned anything in the past year, it’s to never assume that something will work out until it is 100% finalized. The cute corner lot rambler that is now called home for the pups and me is only a rental, but it’s not being sold any time soon, which is all that matters. I would’ve loved to have bought a home so that I don’t have to move again at some point, but the housing shortage in my area continues to rage on along with the soaring interest rates. It is also going to be a lot easier to look for a house without the pressure of having to be out of a place because it is being sold. That is a kind of stress level I hope to never feel again.

I cannot tell you how happy I am in this new house. There really is something about your living environment that shapes your outlook and mood. I got fully moved in on the 5th of the month and I have felt so much lighter and free since I left my old place and landlord behind me. I didn’t realize how toxic that home was for me and how it was affecting my mindset and well-being. Days after moving in I had a strong urge to get back to my books and creative side and I really haven’t felt that way all year. Long story short, be very mindful of your surroundings. They bleed into everything about you in more ways than one. If you find something toxic, cut that shit or person out of your life ASAP. You will be so grateful that you did! I know I am!!!

It is my firm goal to review and approve all of Monica’s Taming J edits by September 15th. I’ll turn it back over to her at that time for another run through that always comes back quicker than the initial one. Once I get that manuscript back, it’ll be set for me to format. As mentioned many times, I won’t release it until the rough draft of Saving Us is finished due to the nature of how it ends. Believe me, you’ll thank me for that choice.

I’ve been working on the outline and preparing myself to dive back into writing Saving Us. Now that my stress level is A LOT lower than it has been in the last year, I’m able to give the characters the attention they more than deserve for this finale. It’s going to be an epic one!

More auditions began rolling in again at the beginning of August and I’ve had an opportunity to listen to all of them several times. I’m in correspondence with one narrator who auditioned earlier in the year for Fighting for Someday and hope to square away an offer very soon with her. She really hits Bri and Trey’s personalities so I truly hope that we can come to an agreed upon rate and turnaround time for the audiobook. Finding the right narrator for Complicated and Concealed has been a bit of a challenge. I believe the right person will eventually come along for the rest of the Secrets and Lies series. Ethan is such a presence that it’s hard to find the right person to capture his characteristics in narration. Because of all the headaches that came with Conflicted, I’m being very picky with the narrators and the offers I put on the table, but I know I’ll be really happy I did once the final product is done.

It’s celebration time. As noted in last month’s blog, Complicated was released EIGHT years ago. It still blows my mind that much time has passed since I put that book baby out into the world. There are so many moments with Mia I really enjoyed writing in that book that were equally light and dark. To celebrate eight years of Complicated, I want to give away a signed hardcover of it and a $25 Amazon GC. To enter, head on over to my Facebook group and share your favorite scene from Complicated and why it resonated with you the way that it did.

This next giveaway is to celebrate the birthdays that occurred in the past few months. The most important one being Bri McAndrew’s special day, which was on August 1st. There is a really fun part of Taming J that is over her birthday that I’ll share a sneak peek of in my quarterly newsletter next month. In the meantime, let’s celebrate her birthday and everyone else who has had one over the past few months with another giveaway. For a chance to win a $15 gift card of your choice and a signed paperback from the Someday series, hop over to my group and share what you love most about Bri or one of your favorite Bri scenes from any of my books.

I try to do something for everyone with my giveaways and make it as easy as possible to enter. If you haven’t read any of my books, this giveaway is for you! For a chance at up to $5 in ebooks and ALL of my ebooks, pop into my reading group and share how you came across me and whether you're a dog or a cat person. My boy, Monster Max, turned 2 in July and it blows my mind that he’s been rocking my world for two whole years already. He makes me yell as much as he makes me smile some days, but I wouldn’t trade a second without him or my Mighty Mar.

I’ll pick winners to give the giveaways on September 4th. To find out if you’re a winner, be sure to pop into my Facebook group that day to find out if you won. As always, thank you for taking the time to read and your continued support.


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