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We're Going to Need a Bigger Boat!


I thought this entry should have more of a personal touch, so I'm starting with this beast of a puppy. I can't believe how big Max has gotten and that he's not even done growing yet! He turns 10 months in a week and is hell on wheels. I'm so glad it's finally spring and that I can get outside to walk him a couple of miles a day because he always has energy to burn! Hopefully, this summer we can work on his tendency to bark all the time and his over eagerness when he meets new people. Max can be intimidating, but he honestly just loves to play and give kisses. His approach just needs some work!

I have to share a photo of this guy too! Marley is my heart and soul. As he gets older, I'm doing everything I can to give him the best life possible. Lately, he's taken on a bit of a limp, but it doesn't stop him from getting around and wanting to give lots of kisses and cuddles. As you can see, he's always quick to share a big smile too. I think we will be visiting the vet soon to see if there is something else I can give him aside from the joint supplements he is already on to help elevate his arthritis and general aches and pains of becoming an older dog.

Let's talk TikTok for a minute. I know it's been around for a while, but it seems like the place to be lately for marketing books. I'm still learning at this point as it's not really a platform I know too much about, but I want to reach as many readers as I can with my books. Plus, learning to create videos is kind of fun and they can be used on IG too. If you've got a TikTok account, feel free to follow me @mmkoenig12. I'll be sure to follow you back and share some epic videos in the near future!

Finally, I wanted to let everyone know that my online store is up and running. If you want a swag box full of LOTS of goodies, check out the store. Signed paperbacks of all my books are also available as well as tumblers, coffee mugs, and an awesome tote bag. I'll be adding more products as I go. If you have a product or type of swag that you really love, drop a comment below and I'll check into having one made with my logo or book cover and adding it to my store!

I'm going to end in sharing that I plan on making Conflicted FREE for the month of June. Complicated and Concealed will remain on sale for 0.99! I'll also be looking to put Waiting for Someday and Finding Our Someday on sale, so be sure to stay tuned!

That's all for now! I'm off to watch a little soccer and enjoy the 75 degree weather we are having here in MN! I hope you're having an amazing weekend in your neck of the woods!




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